
More Rural Stories

#ruralstories My name is Elissa, and I grew up in a small town called Glenorchy, in Western Victoria. I lived on a farm with my mum, dad, and brother Tom. I enjoyed helping on the farm but knew farm life wasn’t for me. It’s such an unpredictable occupation, and the uncertainty of not knowing what the weather will do often resulted in not being financially stable.

I feel fortunate that I had a very supportive family that always encouraged me to try my best and shoot for the stars, even if I didn’t want to be a farmer. During the early years of high school, I knew that I wanted to go to university. However, I also knew that I was at a financial disadvantage, and I didn’t really know how my family and I were going to afford a tertiary education.

The Youthrive Victoria scholarship helped me in more ways than one! It not only provided financial support for university but also enabled me to live independently on campus without financial stress. It relieved pressure on my family, giving them confidence in my ability to afford necessities like accommodation and food.

The scholarship also offered academic support through a mentor. Recognising the need for increased independence and organisation in university compared to high school, regular meetings with my mentor eased my transition into uni life. My mentor also gave me tips on how to structure different assignments and proofread my assignments. This was crucial because I was studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences and I required a high weighted average mark to apply for my dream career, a postgraduate degree in Occupational Therapy Practice.

During my second year, COVID forced me to move from Melbourne back home to Glenorchy. It was challenging to adapt to online learning while being at home on the farm, losing my job in Melbourne, and losing my independence. With the support of my Youthrive Victoria mentor and scholarship, transitioning home without a job was achievable, and enabled me to flourish academically. I am very grateful for the Chris and Marli Tilley Scholarship. It afforded me the time and focus needed to achieve results I am very proud of.

After three years of hard work and dedication towards my studies, I received an offer to study Occupational Therapy! Now, six years later, I’m an OT at my hometown hospital, fulfilling my dream.

– Elissa

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