
More Rural Stories

#ruralstories “I grew up on a public housing estate in Bendigo with my single mum and twin sister. In Year 12 I was a leader at our local youth group and loved bringing young people in my community together.

Two weeks before starting Year 11, my sister and I were placed in kinship care. We lived with family friends just outside of Bendigo, and during our time there were essentially isolated from our family and community. This really highlighted the importance of community and connection in my life.

I was fortunate to receive early entry into a Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Global Studies at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne. However, moving to Melbourne was daunting due to financial concerns and a lack of local support. I knew that I would try to figure it out, but with the cost of renting and university supplies, I knew it would be tough. My family couldn’t support me financially, so there was no security blanket just in case things didn’t go to plan.

I was lucky enough to receive a Youthrive Victoria university scholarship which provided three years of financial support, mentoring and ‘wrap around’ support. This scholarship alleviated my stress and allowed me to focus on my studies. In 2022 I completed an exchange program in Germany, as part of my degree. Without my scholarship I may not have been able to take up this once in a lifetime opportunity.

One of my favorite aspects of Youthrive Victoria is connecting with rural and regional peers. Attending and later coaching at the Young Rural Leaders Program has been a highlight, allowing me to learn new skills and reconnect with inspiring individuals. Being peer-facilitated is definitely something super special
about the camp. Alongside the scholarship, there is also mentoring in both a formal and informal sense. I have been lucky enough to connect with fellow students and people in the legal profession that have provided support and advice to me throughout my degree.

I have always known that I wanted to live in regional Victoria, studying in Melbourne wasn’t really the plan until I was in Year 12, I was originally going to Ballarat or Geelong. Being able to maintain a connection to regional Victoria by attending Youthrive Victoria programs reminded me how much my sense of identity and purpose is tied to this.

Youthrive Victoria’s support extends beyond financial aid. The mentoring and connections provided have been crucial throughout my degree. I am passionate about breaking the stigma surrounding public housing and out-of-home care, and I believe everyone deserves equal support and opportunities.

Without Youthrive Victoria’s support, I would not be on track to graduate and pursue a career in regional Victoria’s legal industry. I look forward to contributing to my community and making a meaningful impact.”

– Amelia

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